on the 2nd day we went up to cape reinga (signpost above) and on the way we stopped for icecream. the pictures below show SINGLE SCOOP ice creams btw. I also have a nice one of a car that drove onto one that dropped onto the ground. ahahahaha straight on the wheel =P the above is my brother & his lime one, and below is my cousin with his chocolate. faces censored for obvious reasons ==;

look at this awesome shot I got of the seagulls:

ok rant timmeeee. this must be so overdone but come on.. parents ==; won't let me go to newmarket with a guy. wtf? its not even a date, just with a friend. and when I tried to tell my dad this he was like "yeahh that's what YOU say..." such lack of trust D: then he goes "u shouldnt be dating at ur age" and im like WTFFF ITS NOT A DATEEE. plus I'm 15 already >>; it's like I grow and shrink as they prefer "you're 15, you're old enough to have all these responsibilities, do the dishes, clean the car, vacuum the house, clean the windows, help ur brother with his homework, tell ur brother to stop watching tv, no i cant take u there, take the bus, use the train, go earn ur own money, get a job... ==; then all of a sudden no you can't go out you're too young, stay home more. O_o
man I wish he'd use his brain. if I wanted to date someone, I know that he wouldn't approve anyway, so I would immediately lie and use someone else as a cover up right. ==; it's like he trusts me to not lie but doesnt trust me to tell the truth about going out with a guy who he suspects is a date. geeee... and if you're reading this dad hey yeah, this is how I think, plz regard what I say |: and ur obliviousness isn't helping, the irony of the situation is getting wayy out of hand. u wont let me be alone with a guy friend, yet you have no complaints about me being alone with family friend's son whos hitting on me every chance he can get. wtf?
I'm not as pure and stupid as you think, sure I'm innocent compared to a lot of other people but I'm not stupid. If I want to disobey you I can do it without you knowing, yet the fact that I'm willing to tell you that I'm going to newmarket with this guy is completely ignored |: I'm definitely more obedient than other kids my age, and they take it for granted. Of course I guess they assume that I always tell the truth and the whole truth. but omg come on we're teenagers you should know what we're capable of, unless you were a teenager who had no life back then ==;
he wants me to find someone else to come. I offered that he come, but obviously he's not going to be around. see even he can't carry thru with his own condemnations. being a teenager i could just go alone and say i found someone else to come. or i could just be an ass and not bring anything up, and then after he comes back be like 'yeah we went alone |: what's it to you? can't change anything now...
/ENDrant for now... dont want to depress u guys any more lol
on a slightly better note, my other pair of converses came today (: yaaay~

fjasdlfajwdlksf I'm still pissed off. gonna go and play some games ==;
[EDIT] O YEAH AND BEFORE I FORGET. happy new year (: cherish the last few hours of 2008, and cherish that last EXTRA SECOND =P official timekeepers, pshh.