19 October 2008

:D PART... 3?!?!?!!?

oh yeah look at this cute pen rui got me from japan. i know you're jealous. especially steph. (see, theres my inner ass). although, the pencil part of it doesnt work lol sad ):

ok, what to blog about.. currently everyone is bored. I know this because currently there are 51 people online on msn. and i know I said that I wouldn't say I was bored anymore but...


this is probably obvious cuz I've updated THREE times today. I'm not crazy lololol. I should really edit instead, but Iono, they are 3 dif sections after all. maybe today was such a good day that right now just pales in comparison.

ok you know what, I admit it, I just updated to show my pen. LOL. Honestly, I'll edit this later if I get even more bored. but right now I really have nothing else to talk about hahahaha k bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kawaii - though I isn't that jealous sorry to let you know :P The colour scheme repels me lol ALTHOUGH I am highly jealous of the fact that Shortbread Cutter got to go to Japan D:

And if that's inner ass well then WTF. I don't get what you mean when you say you've been an ass to me. I don't notice it. Either that or I've grown immune over the years XD