11 November 2008

erghhh mediocre days

past few days have been mediocre.

exams are...

nothing much to say. english exam = major failage ): just put down some random stuff that sounded like it might possibly be right, definitely not E standard my goal is ...down the drain T_T

sst and french tomorrow. don't ask me why I'm not studying. PARCE QUE. JE SUIS. /excuses

..blahhhh stresssss ><; I wish information would diffuse into my brain. but noooo God created the world to be difficult for winnie ): I realised tonight that I dislike meat in asian soup. I guess I already knew this but tasting it today really made it sink in. IT HAS NO TASTE. what good is meat without taste? and the texture is so dry next to the soup. ewwww meat in soup. >>;

yeah that's all the important stuff I had to say. nothing much... my brain is blocked up I'm not in the mood to do anythingggg..

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