K not really, it's still pretty cold, but the hope that comes with springtime is really nice :) and it's only a matter of time til summer comes! (...and I'm off to another winter in Europe...)
These last few winter months have been a learning experience for me I guess. I think I've grown up a lot, and learnt to accept myself more, faults and all. I guess in a way it's made me less 'perfect'? I've always striven a bit for perfection, but honestly these last few months I've accepted that the world is a pretty imperfect place, sometimes rather chaotic, and it's just too hard to be perfect, or even close to perfect, in a world like that... I guess you could say it's kind of like I'm giving up? Haha but in a way I feel like I've moved forwards instead of backwards.
I went back to read my 1st of september post from last year, and found it funny how I mentioned kahunui in that post, and how I was there at this time 2 years ago... well today kahunui came into my life once again for the first time in a while, and aaaaaa we're going back for leadership camp? :D exciting~~~~ haha I find that so poignant, how it just happens to be this day that it comes back into my life in the most random way. Interesting how these things work out :)
Wow last year there was good weather on the first day of spring too. That's so nice haha, today was beautiful~ went out to sit outside for lunchtime for the first time in ages. It's good to absorb some vitamin D again haha.
I guess I regard the first day of spring as a time for beginnings, kind of on par with new years... which is weird, because new years is only 4 months after the first day of spring. They're not even separated out properly. But idk, that's just the way I look at it haha. In any case, these last 4 months of the year are super important to me and I really need to be on top, so I guess now is the time to start? Refresh, refresh...
In any case, I hope you all had a great day today and enjoyed the weather :) more similar days to come! bring on summer~~