Yay another pot luck entry ^^ where I put random thoughts I've had over the past few days that aren't big enough to make into entries of their own, + any other random things that happen to come up.
Kay well holidays are almost over, I haven't done the work I was meant to have done, instead wasted too much time going out with friends and bumming around at home doing nothing == but will try to make up for it in the next few days? ha, gl with that winnie, andrew's party tomorrow and work on sunday... orz
Today in the car I was just thinking and I realised that society is really quite interesting. Although we live our own lives, we have laws and human rights etc to protect our people. Like, if you get fined for bad driving, it's not because the police want your cash, but it's meant to be a deterrent so you don't drive unsafely (cuz you don't want to pay money), so the people's lives on the road aren't endangered. I thought that was interesting since our laws take care of the people as a whole, yet individually we pretty much live our own lives.
Which brings me to my next thought, that people all have completely different experiences and range of abilities. Like, most of us are pretty average at everything (meaning of the word 'average' lol), but there are families of people who are like really involved in music etc, and those guys who are obsessed with classic cars, or who have a guitar collection which has 10x more worth than the walls of the 1 bedroom apartment on which it occupies... there are some people who are really really into that one thing. I think that's really great, kinda wish I was like that haha. But nah, I'm just a regular old person who doesn't have that thing I'm like SUPER PASSIONATE about... But I do think it makes for interesting characters. I guess that's how it's possible for everyone to be different in the world of 7 BILLION :]
You know, having an 'away' status on msn when you are not actually away is a lot like running away from your responsibilities. Kinda like taking some down time while you think about what to do next? Idk, when I have status on 'away' I feel like I have no obligation to reply to people who say hi or ask for stuff because they wouldn't know the difference between if I were really there or not. I don't know if that's a bad thing; maybe it's a sign that I should stop ignoring my responsibilities...
There's a difference between sounding sophisticated and sounding pretentious. I don't know how you avoid sounding pretentious and sophisticated instead, but it's definitely something you can pick out from someone's writing. I'm not what it is about the style, but there's just something about the writing that makes me think, "wow this writer's a snob," as opposed to, "wow this guy knows what he's talking about." I think there's a certain elegance to sophisticated writing, but pretentiousness is just annoying... unfortunately I'm pretty sure sometimes my writing turns out pretentious when I'm meaning to sound sophisticated :l I read over it sometime after writing it and think, "wow, I'm such a douchebag."
I have this issue with things being 'fair'. Some days I think it would be so nice if life was fair and so I try to make everything as 'fair' as possible, but others I just accept that life isn't fair so it makes no difference what I do either. But actually the more I think about it, fairness needs to be defined. Because if everything were truly fair, everyone would look the same and do the same things all the time. It would be like the return of the clones :l That's not an interesting world at all in my opinion. So strangely enough I actually see merit in embracing the injustice in our world a bit, cuz it's not all bad. ...I'm either terribly optimistic, or today's just one of those days when I don't give a toss about the state of the world...
Actually it's probably the latter, cuz today in the radio they were talking about the 2nd generation of the rich family businesses etc, and how they're having some trouble in China since none of it is formally legally sorted out and some of the 2nd generation are just wasting their parents money while the businesses fail. To be honest, I didn't get why they were telling us about it over the radio because a) it doesn't affect us since we live in NZ and b) it's really not my problem. But apparently it's quite a big problem in China atm. Well, I guess it's interesting to hear about?
Which brings me to my next point, I really hate those kids of rich parents who waste their parents' money while they themselves have no 本事 (I can't think of the english word... like, ability? but I think it's a bit more than that ==) of their own to earn their own money, just living from their family's riches. I kinda feel sorry for their kids cuz when they grow up they'll have no money left because their spoilt parents spent it all and they don't know what to do because their spoilt parents never taught them anything either. Geez it pisses me off when the original first generation don't discipline their kids properly and spoil them just because they can... It's then that you get people like our family friend who imo loves his son too much, and lets him bum around at home after dropping out of high school, stealing his bank statements to borrow money, buying a car without asking him, and then crashing it into a pole... all this before his 20th birthday. Man, what a spoilt asshole. But of course he can get away with it all cuz his family is rich as. =_= I almost want to see him fail in life after his parents aren't around anymore and see what he does...
Oh geez I think I rambled on too much hahahaha. Thoughts just lead to thoughts @__@ Well, I guess to finish off, let's do a random meme :]
Girls Do The Top Part
Guys Do The Bottom Half.
since this is my blog and I do whatever the hell I want, I'm going to do both parts, based on what I might like if I were a guy hahaha. I'm not bi tho so it's probably off XD
IF YOU'RE A GIRLIs shorter than you: no
Taller than you: yes
Wears a grill: no
Dresses Gangsta: dc
Dresses Skater: dc
Dresses Athletic: yes unless he's fat then no... but if he's got athletic build it's more like YES PLEASE =P
Has green eyes: yes
Has brown eyes: dc
Has hazel eyes: yes
Has blue eyes: dc
Smokes cigarettes: no
Smokes weed: no
Drinks alcohol: dc
Plays sports: yes
Can skate: dc
Writes lyrics: dc
Smiles a lot: yes
Has bad manners in front of you: no
Has blonde hair: dc
Has brown hair: yes
Has black hair: dc
Has red hair: dc
Has spikey hair: dc
Has no hair: no
Has long hair: no
Has curly hair: dc
Has wavey-ish hair: yes
Good dancer: yes
Wears jewelry: dc
Piercings: 1 or 2 dc, >2 no
Tattoos: if it's cool, dc but if it looks bad then no
Muscles: yes as long as not like a bodybuilder
Six pack: ditto
Laid back: yes
Plays guitar: yes
Raps: dc
Can draw: yes
Has a tongue ring: no
Nipples pierce: LOL no
Hugs you: yes
Hugs from behind: yes
Creative: yes
Calls you just to hear your voice: who would say no to this..?
Goes to church: dc
Cusses a lot: dk
Is funny: yes
Kisses you out of no where: yes
- ------… --- ------… ------… ------… --- ------… ------… ------… --- -
Has a nice butt: yes
Plays musical instrument: yes
Is taller than you: no
Is shorter than you: yes
Has green eyes: dk
Has blue eyes: dk
Has brown eyes: dk
Has hazel eyes: dk
Has long hair: yes
Has med. hair: dc
Has short hair: dc
Drinks alcohol: no
Smokes cig's: no
Has blonde hair: dc
Has brown hair: yes
Has black hair: dc
Has red hair: dc
Calls you just to say hi: yes
Creative: yes
Compliments you: yes
Shaves her legs: yes
Wears jewelry: dc
Has bigger feet then you: LOL, either dc or no...
Belly piercings: yes
Doesn't party: no
Does party: yes
Likes to party: yes
Laughs a lot: yes
Happy: yes
Funny: yes
Skinny: yes
Anorexic: no
Rides a street bike: dc
Tattoos: yes if it looks good, no if it doesn't
Honest: yes
Open: yes
Shy and quiet: no
Huge chest: no, average is good.
Licks lips: dc
Lightly bites bottom lip: ...yes? i guess it could be cute
Talks dirty: yes
Leaves you random comments: no. clingy ==
Competes with you: yes
I reckon I'd make an okay guy. =P hahaha anyway that's all for today, I think I'm blogging quite a lot lately (doesn't seem like anyone else is.... steph when was the last time you blogged??). Either I have a lot on my mind or real life is not stimulating enough to keep my attention so I come on my computer and talk to myself on blogspot. Yes I lead quite a sad life ):