20 February 2010

everything is subjective

It seems like a lot, if not all of the things in our world come by through our own perception. The way something looks, smells, feels, sounds... it's all perception. In fact, we have no way of knowing whether the colour 'red' we see is the same 'red' that any other person sees, just that that shade, regardless of how it looks to anyone, is known as 'red' to everyone... for all I know, your red could look like my blue, and all the natural colours I know may look completely unnatural to anyone else. It's a strange thought, but not implausible...

Likewise, everyone's opinions seem to differ on an emotional level, not just what we perceive from the physical world. Lately, I've found that the impression given off by any one person can differ A LOT depending on who I talk to... same person can warrant "yea they're pretty cool", "they're a gay cunt", "omg I love them they're so funny" and "I dunno, they're alright I guess" it made me realise that often it's impossible to get to know someone vicariously; one has to go and meet them personally and form his own impression of the individual in question. There's so much shit going around about people nowadays, I feel like no matter how much people go behind others' backs and tell me about all the stuff they've done and warn me about them, I'm still going to have to find out for myself in the end, making everything I've heard a waste of effort...

Personally I really think that if I listened to everything that people have told me about other people I would have lost hope in humanity by now. But it's true that there are always 2 sides to every story. Regardless of whether or not 1 side is exaggerated or not, every yin has a yang; no matter how dark something seems, there is always at least a little light in there as well. I feel like the role we played in a particular situation can influence our perception of said situation. We may choose to ignore the darkness, or be oblivious to the light.

I know it seems like I'm trying too hard to be objective, and the way I'm saying this is gonna make it hard to get anyone on my side, since I'm not actually on a side. But the thing is, I do form opinions about others as well... Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I recognise that sometimes I don't look at the full story, or try to kid myself into thinking one way about someone because it's just easier or more beneficial for me. That's just the way the world and humans are.

...I guess what I'm trying to say is that before you make any assumptions about other people, it's important to find out for yourself and not just take what others say for fact, because more often than not it's been tainted by their perception... Idk I guess this entry is a little redundant because it's something we all know already, just sometimes don't really put into practice... I just found it very relevant to my life atm.

Hope everyone's doing okay at school :] only 6 more weeks of school til easter holidays guys. hang in there!

"Nothing's beautiful from every point of view"
~ Horace, Roman Poet, 65BC-8BC


yj said...


but yes, I agree with you ~

Anonymous said...

omg i've always always ALWAYS thought about the colour thing. I'm so glad I'm not the only weird one thinking about weird things.