27 March 2009
so I compiled this ^^^^ I have to say I think I was best looking in year 6 ish (2004) D: I was so cute. and now look at me >> also yes guys I did use to have long hair hahaha
ewww y7 id photos =P
you guys should try doing this too if you have a lot of photos. it's fun. I just did this in 10 mins cuz I couldn't be bothered finding older photos (BUZZ CUT LOLOLOL) so yes... this is all taken on dell camera too which is why its so fuzzy. maybe I'll redo a better more complete one when I can be bothered scanning things for hours on end. Perhaps in the holidays...
chinese essay is gay
26 March 2009
The Controversial Meme
1. Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Nope, because I care for my health and I know what it does =P
2. Abortion: for or against?
I have no opinion on the matter, depends on the woman, I support opinion, I guess I am for the choice of abortion.. like if you want to choose to have it I support you, if you don't then that's fine as well, it's really up to the person. Shouldn't take it away because of the people who think it's unethical, that would be unfair for the people who don't have a problem with it...
3. Would the country fall if there was a woman president?
Depends who the woman is
4. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Case to case basis, I do believe that there are some people who just deserve to die.
5. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Not really... the thing is so many people are using it nowadays anyway it's not going to make a difference, also I guess in some ways as a herb it can be useful for medicinal purposes, so I'm 50/50. Maybe it could be legalised for medical use only, like morphine. I don't personally wish it though.
6. Do you believe in God?
I believe in a higher power. Whether or not this is the famed 'God' that everyone seems to love talking about is another question.
7. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
YES. EQUALITY PLEASE. Good god I wish people would realise how similar this is to racism or sexism etc etc already. And we know how those turned out... (apartheid laws crushed, holocaust looked back on with shame, votes for women etc etc..)
8. Do you think its wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
I don't live in the USA and thus don't really give a crap.
9. A 12 year old girl has a baby… should she keep it?
Depends on the girl. I don't care; it's her baby, it should be her choice. 12 years old is old enough to decide for yourself what you want and not be forced into a decision you will regret by parents etc.
10. Should the alcohol drinking age be lowered to 18?
There is no alcohol drinking age in new zealand.
11. Should the war in Iraq be called off
Yes... I don't even know what it's about anymore...
12. Assisted suicide is illegal… do you agree
No, assisted suicide should be legal. In fact it already is in a lot of countries. It opens more choices to humans. If one doesn't want it that's fine, but again, what about those who would actually benefit from it?
13. Do you believe in spanking your children?>
Depends what they've done, not hard though, just enough to keep them in line
14. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Hell yes. A flag is just a piece of fabric after all. If it resulted in someone coming after my head though, that's another question.
15. A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case… what do you think?
There should be some kind of punishment for murder, no matter how insane she was. Who's fault was it that she lost control of herself? =P If she was insane then sure, I have no problem believing that but... the fact remains that she killed someone. Whether or not she was in her right mind, she deserves some kind of punishment.
Nope... I believe everyone should accept other people's opinion. It's just opinion after all, it's not like it can cause anyone any harm if no actions are taken on it. This is just me sharing my views =P
25 March 2009
We had y11 outing today (I refuse to call it 'retreat', seriously who the hell thought of that...) I hope Kim did well on her internal. In terms of talking about self identity and happiness (as part of that talk today), I was thinking that happiness really comes with appreciation. The reason those celebrities are not happy, the reason we always strive for MORE, eg. winning the lotto, when compared to the rest of the world we are already considered inordinately lucky, is because we take everything we have for granted. Or rather not for granted, we simply don't appreciate it enough, because we have never known it any other way. We have gotten used to what we have, cannot imagine it any other way. There is no happiness without sadness. Without having experienced pain, how would we know what is bliss? It might as well be the same thing, right?
This is the reason why I want to try as much as I can in this lifetime. When I was younger I used to be scared of everything, I'd be scared of going down the escalator in case I missed a step and fell, I was scared of going down slides, I was scared of falling over when biking or rollerblading so whenever it got too fast I stopped, I was scared of being pushed on swings, I was scared of going to the bathroom at night, not because of the dark but because I thought I would accidently impale myself on a sharp object or trip over when I was on my way there due to lack of light. I was scared of going to sleep with a blocked nose because I thought I would stop breathing in the middle of the night and die in my sleep. I was scared of others not accepting me for who I was, so I was always neutral and quiet so there was no real reason to hate me. I was scared of my dad because he was scary when he yelled at me, in fact I think only 3-4 times in my childhood have I snapped so that I actually got out of line enough for my dad to yell at me; I cried all 3-4 of these times... I was scared of trying my best because I thought if I did and I failed it would hurt more... so much more...
But now I realise that I might as well go and experience these things so the good things are even better in comparison when they happen. I welcome change because it keeps things interesting. I am still scared of quite a lot, but I try to face it whenever i can. Of course there are some fears that simply can't be faced, such as my fear of death or paraplegism or brain degenerative diseases, or pain... Although with pain nowadays I just try to do it without thinking too much, if it has to be done. This is of course talking about physical pain only... Emotional pain is a lot more complicated, but I am not scared of it. On the contrary I seem to welcome it =/ at least it means I feel something for once.
If I can go out there and do everything I can and cram as much as I can into this lifetime I think I might even get over the ultimate fear of death... unlikely, because being me I always believe there is always more to be done. But thinking about it logically... we only have 1 shot at life. When it ends it ends. You won't feel it, see it, hear it, ultimately nothing will exist for you. Maybe people will remember you, maybe they won't. Maybe they will look over the things you wrote or did during your life, maybe they won't. But the point is you yourself will have no recollection of any of this so....
we should make use of all the time we have, every last second. For every second we use worrying, it is a second we have wasted where we could have done an action that will ultimately contribute to the end product of our "life movie", a second that we will never get back.
Let's waste less time thinking and use more time doing.
On a side note, I have my chemistry test for real tomorrow and a duathlon...
but I have art for the first time since friday so that's got to be a plus @_@ what's going to happen if I choose to drop it... asdlkfjskladfjlasd...
23 March 2009
anagrams and a number plate
lol. (: so instead of studying or making points, here are some anagrams! =D
THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS
SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME
ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET'S RECOUNT
SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S
A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: IM A DOT IN PLACE
THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE
ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE
MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER
what a coincidence....
apart from all this nothing of note has happened (yet, which will be me dying in debating and chemtest tomorrow). Oh yeah I forgot to pick up my chem assignment today cuz my msn crashed last night and my reminder was on my pm there, since I tried to install windows live messenger 9 and it screwed up my msn forevermore, thus I spent the whole evening trying to fix it and I eventually got my msn backup working but it's 8.1. Oh well still better than pidgin == I guess that's what I get for breaking william's computer. damn karma...
I hope that car number plate wasn't a message for me tomorrow D: bad luck normally doesn't come in 1s.. right...? T^T
actually, no time for deep philosophical talks tonight I'm going to use what little time I have left to cram for my test.. night everyone
21 March 2009
20 March 2009
friday update
I suspect next week will be worse though, since I don't have art on monday due to st cuthbert's service, then on tuesday it's day 1 so there's no art, wednesday is the retreat, finally I get art again on thursday BUT I have duathlon... but last duathlon for the year. Let's all try our best :) then it will all be over and done with...
So today we got our drama scenes for English. I ended up landing 51 lines of anger as Capulet because Amy's done the scene for shakespeare already as juliet and harriet wants as less lines as possible.... siigh. I hope I'm in a bad mood on the day of assessment. I'll ask if I can cut my lines lolol.
Finally went out to buy some strings today, and my guitar is now very happy and way better than before and actually playable without me feeling like I want to cut off my hand (cuz I finally got some nylons so there's no steel to cut into my fingers).
badminton trials next wednesday :3 quite a lot of people signed up this year, there was like hardly any space left on sign up sheet, I had to slot my name before carmen's cuz it was the only remaining space.. nevermind that it makes it look like I was first >>
meh school's going alright. must have enough points for a 5-6 min debating speech by tuesday, chemistry test on tuesday also, must remember to collect my assignment from mr torrie on monday >> someone can remind me. word problems in maths make me want to kill my calculator because it is so complicated, french test went okay (got all Es =D too bad no credits involved lol)...
aaaaa I forgot about chinese homework.. due tomorrow... glaksdjflkawdsl... I'll do it after I finish this entry I suppose.
I really like eggs. They're like so multi-purpose... I like most of the ways you cook it. Whether fried, poached, hard boiled, soft boiled, scrambled, omelette, steamed (asian styles), hell you could probably stick it in a fire and if it didn't have that much soot on it I'd love it. Yes, I love eggs, so sue me. D:
If I had to choose though it would have to be a tie between fried eggs and asian steamed eggs =P tastes amazing with soysauce. so simple and so awesome
Ahhh I need to tidy my desk as well.. looks like a mess with paper and wires everywhere >> stupid... also I think my mug which had milk in it has been on my desk for around 2 months now and the milk that has dried on the bottom is going to be hard to get off... lol gross I know, im so lazy.
Today my insightful thinkingness is going to be about perception. What we see and what we perceive are two different things. We can all see the same thing, but each of us probably perceives it differently. It seems like a lot of people only see what they WANT to see, blinding themself to what is actually there. Sight is what our eyes take in, perception is how our brain processes what the eye has taken in. Through selective processing, what we perceive is less than what we see; our brain could block out something it isn't ready to deal with...
this is purely based on a philosophical point of view and this is not the literal meaning of perception (which is simply how our brain processes something we see, like optical illusion).
the reason why it's hard for me to make decisions is that I find it really hard to see something, think about it, and figure out if what I'm thinking about it is what is actually there or if it's my brain's perception of it, and what I want to see. Don't you ever get this..? especially if I want to make an objective opinion. I don't like making subjective opinions, it makes me feel judgemental and unfair =.=
that's just some food for thought...
i like tofu too (: eggs vs tofu? i love those tofu egg dishes DDD:
15 March 2009
purely procrastinative
Le photo au-dessus est Sam, dans le cours de francais avec son petit moustache. Sam est tres marrante. (Est-ce que vous comprenez mon francais est crap? Il ressemble le francais de un petit bébé T__T) Et il est tres dur pour moi parce que cette année je pense que le francais est plus difficile que l'année derniere~ Mademoiselle Wilson nous donne un tas de travail... Elle va tres tres vite... Nous ne finissons pas le travail et elle nous dit d'arrêter ><
Mais je pense que si je utilise le francais dans ma vie en dehors de l'école je vais améliorer beaucoup... alors, voila, mon crappy franglais =P
Mon francais est en réalité tres élémentaire... je suis triste parce que mon francais est sucky ):
Qui peut parler bonne francais? Enseigne-moi!! D: Je ne veux pas raté francais cette annéeeeeee~~~ je veux obtenir les excellences~~~ beaucoup and beaucoup des excellences... D:
为什么法文要这么难~~ 中文也是一样! 打字还要打半天还打出一些短短的句子。。。 真想放心,但是我也知道这些都是很重要的life skills. 因为我本身是个中国人!上个星期六和日我去了mediation camp... 所以没有去中文班。 大家的中文都好像比我好。。。 而且,因为他们在家里都是对爸爸妈妈说话都用普通话,和我在家里对爸爸妈妈说广东话,他们的中文幻景比我的好。 不过我觉得会说两种中文都不算是不好的事。 很多朋友都对我说过,他们想学说广东话,不过广东话比普通话难学些。
can you tell that I'm just trying to waste time here? no I really don't want to do homeworkkkk aaaaaa T___T
i'm going to be super duper stressed out this week, I can just FEEL it. ughhhh. well i can already feel it, but looking ahead...
aa, doesn't look like a good week.
well mediation camp was fun, we stayed up til around 3am talking about nothing in particular, mainly noella repeating the same topics over and over again cuz she was bored and didn't want to sleep XD had a stress breakdown last night for no particular reason though, probably because of parents giving me all this random work to do when I could see they were just bumming around and my brother being reallll annoying, coupled with very little work the night before, anyone I talked to will tell you hahaha =/ I actually cried last night as I was trying to get to sleep. I felt way better in the morning though. sigh T_T
in my recent thinking sessions I realised that the huge fight im having between ib and ncea and behind that what I want to do in the future is completely up to me to make a decision. It's got nothing to do with anyone else, I can ask the careers lady for info about careers but ultimately its completely up to me. If i excel it's my credit, if I fail it's my fault. I don't know what I want, and I don't know what's best for me. It would be so much better if someone would just tell me what I would be better at and what would make me happier, but the only someone who can tell me that is myself in the end. I realised this and I felt that I had a huge responsibility in my hands, like what if I screwed it up.. there's no going back, this isn't a video game where you restart from save point... I got a txt today, "nobody cares about your grades in y11..." but I do. I really do @_@ I don't know if that's just be overreacting or being ambitious and having no life in general but that just seems to be the way I am. I am an overachiever. The goals I set myself rarely come though, but in the end I am mostly happy with what I have done since I know there's no other way it could go after I do it. But the problem here is that I have the responsibility and therefore the risk of making a decision that is going to change me in the future, and 2 completely different ways I could go... I can prevent a catastrophe before it happens, if it happens. I have the power to affect what is going to happen. This power is something I don't feel like I can handle right now...
Maybe the secret is to be happy wherever life leads you. Through the good times and bad, and just appreciate the present and that you are alive at this split second... I think that's important. Next thing you know, you might not be around, and you won't have the power to appreciate anything, so it's good to abuse this power while it lasts.
09 March 2009
a blog entry about yujie
Because she told me to. I tried to find the best pictures of her that I had... but i ran out so I just used random ones in the end D: like bottom left LOL, the red arrow shows u where she is. -nod-
Hopefully after this she will stop bugging me to write about her. =.= since she is so obviously narcissistic which is why she told me to do this in the first place "because your blog is cool, so if you write about me, I'll be cool as well!"
my reply: "exactly, my cool blog and your uncoolness simply doesn't mix..."
I have no idea what to write about her =/ she's spastic. really. uh, ok... well, her birthday is July 9. She lives in mt roskill at the end of bludgen ave/st/road or something, with her parents, grandparents and little brother joshua who is 2. she works on sundays at sylvia park mr whippy. she gives out free icecream. go stalkers go!
she is 162cm in height and 47kg in weight. she likes to tie her hair in a bun normally, or straighten it and leave it out. she enjoys wearing heels because they make her taller. this makes me laugh because even with heels on she is not as tall as me.
she likes to wear yellow because it suits her, as seen below:
she is totally normal, I know you want to meet her.
she gets hyper easily, or her natural state is in hyperactivity. this is easily explained by a single incident involving a certain party and her actions in the middle of the street, something I myself was not able to witness (i was inside, hijacking laina's laptop) but I have heard it was hilarious. I heard they made a video =P
in year 9 she had mabin for french. she sucked at it, so she doesn't take it anymore. i had mabin that year as well and got a french prize ;D
her mum often forgets to give her cutlery to eat her food with, so she uses mine. or at least, she would, but I didn't reply in time, so she sent someone to the tuck shop to get cutlery for her since she's too lazy to go herself.
she dislikes how her calves are muscular and thinks that she is fat. I hate her for this.
tian thinks she is on drugs. I have no idea why, but it may have to do with the copius amounts of eyeliner she used to wear which gave her a variation of the look of stoned eyes (kind of like kristin stewart, except more unnatural). oh yeah and she's high all the time. I guess I understand.
she likes to start her conversations with me with 'weeeeeenieeeeeeeeee <333333333333333333' it is unnerving at times. also I used to get a little jealous when she talks with william a lot, but I'm over that now. =P since its inevitable that they scheme against me anyway.
she claims that sitting next to me in art makes her draw bad. I think this is complete bs and it's just her brain, and that she gets distracted wayyy too easily. when she's frustrated she likes to hit me a lot also, and unlike laina does not apologise. therefore I believe it is also in my best interests to stay away from her.
she is leaving for china on april 6-7th i think. I have no idea, I forget. she is packing a lot of clothes, I find it stupid. but whatever makes her happy I guess, it's her suitcase she has to carry around...
she gets curious easily and isn't too good at keeping secrets. she likes to be the one to tell people things you see... well that's the impression I get anyway.
one of the first memories I have with her is the hole I made in tech. It was funny.. hahahaha. armpit =/ I suck at sewing. I don't remember much actually though. OH good times in food tech and cutting onions. That was the first time I ever cut onions. It was painful.
I forgot what I was saying. cuz people are talking to me on msn now =.= so yeah. yj is an awesome friend =D ILY YJ. but i hate you for making me do ths. although finding retarded photos was fun -thumbs up-
05 March 2009
a small act of humanity
02 March 2009
education and a cold
^^^^^ This is epic LOL I don't think you can really see much of it, if you click it I think it gets bigger. Anyway this is question 2 in our first core science chem assignment which the teacher neglected to explain after we got it until the next period, by which time I had already done the question. "oh and btw you are allowed to use litmus" ....I was wondering why they only gave us 6 lines for this... o well, since I am awesome I still got it right (:
avondale stabbing today, violence is not the answer kids =/ also, if the rumours are true, racism is not professional, teachers. poor traumatized kids. I would have liked to be there tho. totally insensitive I know but it would've been interesting at least.
I guess most people have already noticed my new blog layout which isn't actually new, just made the thing wider, changed graphics and added a little background thingie.
Pounding headache right now, not in the mood for school tomorrow at all. gooooddddddddd >___< it ="D" plot ="P" onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEihii0fW_ScCePgs9jPo9BnFy-DwuNE3tgn3T6ErDgBqsvQTFdZw1lfTYlCTHDvCIqJe9fXqJxDnFC0bNEtZYGtvsJCr8N4M1PgdulwfCmA54wsjzo6QET-SrVB46SmkxJME7-t2IT0F572/s1600-h/DSC00831.JPG">
ok picspam done enjoy your life, ughhhhhhhhhh blockednose
01 March 2009
letting go?
When people drift apart, are you happy to let that happen or are the type of person to try to keep people with you?
Do you let go without a second thought? Or do you let go with a feeling of sadness?
Do you keep them close and try to become close again? Or do you keep in touch, but let things be...?
Personally I'm a person who, even after friends drift away, keep them close to me. This should be pretty obvious judging solely from my massive msn list, most of which you know I never talk to, but they're still there. Because I know, one day, when I need something from that one person, I can ask them, even if we haven't talked for a long time... maybe that will trigger something off and we will become closer again, who knows.
Yes, I keep old friends close so I can use them again one day. =P People are useful, having contacts is perhaps one of the best things in this world when you need help. People who are special to me now will always be special to me, even if it is only the memories that are special. The people around me now define me, as I've said before, every person that you meet in your lifetime, even in a passing second, defines who you are. So I make it a point not to forget anyone. I may forget your face, your name, your birthday, but I will never forget you and the fact that you were there.
I know some people just let go without a second thought. For example a few weeks ago I made a point to say hi to an old friend who I haven't talked to for a few years, when we used to talk reguarly online through microphones and stuff, when we were kids. His reply: "Why are you talking to me all of a sudden? It's been ages since we last spoke" Sorry for making the effort then, I won't talk to you again...
I guess the point of this was just to make everyone think, what if...? Would you make the effort, or would you not bother? And if you don't bother, does that mean they were never that special to you in the first place?
laina's meme thing. I am bored and ignoring the picture I'm meant to be drawing ej...
1. A Cuddler?: I guess so
2. A morning person?: Depends how early lol
3. Are you a perfectionist?: Sometimes
4. An only child?: Nope
5. In your pyjamas?: Yup
6. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Nope
7. Okay at styling other people's hair?: hahahaahahah what
8. Left handed?: nope
12. Bite your nails?: Nope, unless I have a random little bit that keeps getting caught on stuff
13. Get paranoid at times?: Sometimes
15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yes
16. Enjoy country music?: It's ok
17. Enjoy jazz music?: Yeah it's nice
18. Enjoy smoothies?: Nothing special
19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Not really lol unless I want to hear someone's voice
20. Have a lot to learn?: Of course
21. Have a pet?: I am the pet
22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: Many wrong persons
24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes
25. Have been told that you are smart?: Yes
28. Changed a diaper?: Nope
29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Yeah
32. Killed another person?: Not in real life
34. Had the cops called on you?: My uncle called me =P he's a cop rofl
1. Slept in a bed beside you?: actually slept? I have no idea rofl o_o
2. Saw you cry?: hahahah Gina
3. Went to the movies with you?: William. We sat outside and waited for everyone to come out. haahahahahah well it was kind of the movies.
4. You went to the mall with?: Steph, YJ, Laina, Neeshah, Bernie, William
5. You went to dinner with?: Family
6. You talked on the phone with?: Yujie
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it?: William.. well I hope he meant it =P
8. Made you laugh?: SCRUBS. =P
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Tongue
2. Be serious or be funny?: Funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Milk is milk
4. Die in a fire or drown?: Drown
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents, if I had enemies
1. Simple or complicated?: Simple. Or at least I try to keep things simple
2. Gay?: Happy? very
3. Hardcore?: At what hahaha
1. Flowers or candy?: Neither, if I had to choose, flowers, unless it was dark chocolate.
2. Grey or black?: Depends
3. Color or Black and white photos?: Colour, then you can change to b&w whenever you want
4. Lust or love?: Love
5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles?: Skittles
7. Staying up late or waking up early?: Staying up late
1. Like anyone?: I love everyone <333
2. Do they know it?: Now you do <333
1. What time is it?: 10.37pm
2. Name?: Winnie
3. Nickname(s): Anything you think of
4. Where were you born?: GZ, China
5. What is your birthdate?: 30 July
6. What do you want?: Power, money, love, intelligence, and the ability to control time.
7. Where do you want to live?: Preferably in a nice house somewhere in a nice neighbourhood
8. How many kids do you want?: 1 or 2
9. What would you want to name a girl?: No clue
10. What would you want to name a boy?: No clue
1. Nervous Habits: Fiddling with hands hahaah
2. Are you double jointed?: I think so
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Kind of
6. Do you make your bed daily?: Yes
7. Which shoe goes on first?: Depends what I feel like
9. Ever thrown one at someone?: Yeah hahaha
10. How much money do you carry with you?: Around $20
11. What jewellery do you wear?: Whatever I feel like. Necklaces mostly
12. Do you twirl the spaghetti or cut it?: I chopstick that shit
13. Have you ever eaten Spam?: Yup I like it
1. Had a b/f or g/f?: yes
3. Bought something you didn't need?: yes
4. Sang in front of people?: yes
6. Been hugged: yes
7. Felt stupid: yes
8. Missed someone: yes
9. Got drunk: nope
10. Got high: nope
11. Danced Crazy: nope
12. Gotten your hair cut?: nope
13. Cried: nope
14. Been hurt by a friend?: nope