13 April 2009

the good old love debate

emotions... something we all take for granted, have no control over, and scatter everything else into the disarray that we see today.

the most powerful emotions can be all-consuming, dangerous and possibly lethal... it doesn't even have to be a negative emotion like anguish or hatred... In my opinion the most dangerous feeling is love.

love towards a lover, a friend, a family member... in its purest form it will destroy both people. everything grows from love. jealousy, worry, righteousness.

the classic scenario is everywhere, overprotective parents acting out of love and wanting the best for their children, look down on others who give their children freedom while asphyxiating their own in tightly-rolled armour of bubblewrap, keeping anything 'bad' away from them, leaving their minds untainted and innocent, giving them a false sense of reality about our chaotic world.

think about this act of 'love'. is it really love? it is cruelty. when the parents are gone, all the walls are knocked down, how can the child survive? with no knowledge of what is out there, blinded by their vision of a perfect world... unfortunately our world is not like that, and it will never be. pain has to be given in small doses, like a vaccine. to let someone suffer the full blow of it all at once, is that love or cruelty?

it is not bad that parents want the best for their children. it is knowing where to stop and see the line between caring for them and harming them in the long term... also the line between caring for them and forcing your wants on them. the child is a human being, just like you... in my opinion, once they're old enough to have their own logical opinion, you hold no authority over them. because think about it, if they want to do something, it's not like you can stop them without it being abuse. all humans have freedom of thought.

however, I am not saying love is a bad feeling. it is just that humans are unable to control their emotions from running wild... love is a wonderful emotion. it is what humans allow to manifest from love that is terrible.

love in its purest form for someone will make you put their needs first. you would take your life for theirs... it brings out the fool in all of us. the feeling that without them you cannot live, it is not love. that is desperation and dependence on the person to be your anchor. unable to live on your own, the dependence on that person to bring you happiness that has grown from your love will be your undoing. the people who have loved ones die, and move on... they are the ones to admire. it's not fair to say that they never loved them in the first place just because they are able to do that... in my opinion it's more like, because they loved them, therefore they can do it. they accept that their love can live on inside them, they don't need the other person because the feeling is enough.

in my opinion, love needs no returns... but if we can separate this ideal of love from all the jealousy, desperation, care and worry, it wouldn't be love anymore... it's just the way the world works. life is unfair, the world is cruel. even the emotions that should bring us the best happinesses can cause pain... but that's life. what goes on inside each of us... is decided by the particular individual. it's too hard to separate love from all these things...

but we can try.


We should be able to accept things and move on... because love accepts mistakes. love is forgiving, and holds no grudges. love is perfect. love doesn't hurt, as everyone says. the feeling that hurts isn't love at all...

"If you love someone, let them go... if they return, they are yours. If they don't, they never were."

I'm not going to get into the whole thing with love being a chemical reaction, I'm feeling idealistic tonight (:


steph said...

That is astoundingly profound and deep for most people our age, if you'll allow the gross generalisation and inferior-ising assumption.

I can't really talk but hey.

You and your philosophicalness. Honestly WTF. D:

winnie said...

I personally think these years are the perfect time since we haven't bent into society's ideals yet, hence all the rebellion associated with teenagers

so we have a clearer view of how the world really is

Anonymous said...

i concur.
oui... je concur.

steph said...

...seriously. You sound extremely calm and methodical and intelligent and thoughtful and whatnot.

Where the hell is my share of that.

one_entity said...

then, do you have a definition of what you think love is?
or do u think it is impossible to define?
im curious (^_^)