I guess I will have to make this a pot luck entry because I haven't updated in so long.
... I just had to go back to see what number pot luck I am up to haha!
2. THIS is awesome:
I am listening to this on repeat while writing this post.
3. UNI IS SO BIPOLAR!!! Some days I feel somewhat overwhelmed with all the projects/tests/assignments due but then after a certain 'block' of these everything is so calm and I'm like omg i'm so bored and calm and stuff, nothing to do, but like 2 DAYS LATER MAX it picks up again. @___@ somewhat unhealthy lifestyle. I can't be like those people who can't sleep ): I'm getting forehead pimples and stuff like that just from the weird stress.
4. I feel like blogging provides some kind of weird catharsis of emotions that I haven't had much of and thus have been feeling somewhat bottled up lately. I think it's good to talk to an indiscriminate audience, to 'no one' as yunbin has correctly pointed out that I have spelled wrong in the description to the right (but idc actually, I fail with irony, making the point that I can do stuff how I like and there's nothing you can do about it, so I'm going to leave the grammatical/spelling error as is -hipster glasses flash-). But yeah, I feel like I'm weirdly overemotional lately and it's not cool. It's not the healthy kind of emotional its the obsessive wtf kind. The kind I haven't experienced for years, so it's distantly familiar and a sick part of it is so attractive that I like being overemotional and dumb but I'd rather stop lollll. It will pass.
5. I am leaving in 3 months and feel like I have a lot of loose ends to tie up with objects and people. But 3 months still feels like a long time and I keep wanting to start new stuff but I remember that I'll have to leave more stuff behind and it's irritating and a pity and I hate it. Why can't things just be teleportable or something? It's weird that I'm finishing this semester and people are starting to talk about next semester and I'm not gonna be here for most of it. I've met a lot of people I'd like to get to know better and am majorly frustrated that I won't be able to.
I definitely have other stuff to say. I don't feel properly cleansed yet, but I can't think of anything specific right now...... so I will leave it at that. :D Promise to blog more often. Curse you uni and my own laziness!
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