My mind's still blank :/
Optimism and Pessimism by Sergio1970
I guess..... I've been trying to run from reflecting on myself for a long time. But I've realised that I don't really know myself as well as I would like. Everyone can tell me things about myself, but I just need some time to work out who I am for myself. Because I've hurt a lot of people recently without meaning to. I don't think enough about my actions. And I don't want to go down the road like so many people I know have gone down, into a road of apathy and cynicism. Maybe I'm already in the middle of it, or maybe I've hit the end. It doesn't matter, I want to turn around now.
So I will.
It won't be easy for sure. Changing yourself never is. But... I'll try at least.
So, I'm sorry... for everything. I know I'm not the nicest person anymore, I know I'm a shadow of the awesome person I used to be. So, I'm trying as hard as I can to backtrack and become a better person again.
My 14 year old self did warn me to never take this path. I didn't want to listen before, but I realise now that I was right all along as a child. I should trust childish instincts more.
I don't want to be corrupted by this world anymore.
Life is cruel, and it wants to push us into corners, harden ourselves up, put up spikes and protect and hide ourselves from it, or to attack it head on. I'm tired of fighting. I won't let life get the better of me, strip away my childish ideals and become an adult that doesn't see any happiness in the world.
Yes life is hard. I don't know when, but sometime in the past I somehow stopped seeing all the good things in life and began to see it as something I just have to get through. People became annoying, events boring. I don't want to turn into one of those adults that complain and complain but never do anything to better their situations. I'm going to try at least to go back to the optimistic happy person I was before all of this ever began.
Because fuck you life, despite all your bullshit I'm going to enjoy you.
hehe love the last line
I don't understand the whole, 'i'm not as awesome as I used to be' thing. That's wrong!!! You're still awesome if not awesomer!!!
excuse my crappy engrish
Awww Weebles ): Hope you get out of this rut soon, if that makes sense..
In the mean time, just thought I'd let you know that I still think you're a pretty cool person as I did.. in Y7 haha :))
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