Happiness is the colour yellow, bright and vibrant, completely saturated; it fills up those who possess it, the purest colour that overpowers anything else that comes next to it.
Happiness is stretched out arms, the urge to embrace all your surroundings, to savour every last drop of the sweet landscape before you, to cherish the world as it is at that particular moment
Happiness is a photograph, suspended in time; a fleeting moment of perfection, where the sparkle in your eye betrays your elation for all eternity.
Happiness is a sugar cube dissolving in a cup of coffee, having the potential to make something bitter into a dream.
Happiness is a sunflower, forever seeking warmth and love, being open to receive it, standing tall and proud.
Happiness is the placidness of a still lake, reflecting the endless sky above so it seems like if you jumped into it, you'd fly.
Happiness is the oxygen in the air, dancing in the breeze between every one of us, entering and exiting and giving us life; an unconditional act of giving.
Happiness is the stars at night, free and so far away from any problems we invent for ourselves, donning playful twinkling smiles, faint wisdom of millenia ago.
Happiness is the grains of sand on a long beach, so many different forms and shapes, together forming the delicate surface on which we walk when we look out at sea and find peace within ourselves...
Yes, happiness is the horizon and beyond, the sky above and the ground below,
happiness is all around, and within all of us
and happiness is when I'm with you :)
I love it. I wouldn't have desbribed it better myself. =]
Can't describe how awesome it is.
Just in one of those moods ay?
lol. I know you're always happy with me =D
Good stuff!
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