03 December 2008

SUMMAR. &teeth?

OMFG i just realised that 1 year ago today I was in wellington 8D ahhh geez I was smart back then. now im just useless.. and HAHA I just read it. man I just remembered that hot guy on the plane ;D

it's summmmerrr. the weather is really hot >> today I remembered to go to my dentist appointment. It took like 45 mins to do whatever they did (not sure what, but I can feel the dif). It was quite interesting. Didn't feel like 45 mins at all. The nurse assistant lady was telling a story about his son who I gathered was about y7 or 8. Apparently the other day when he was at his friend Liam's house and his mum picked him up he was like "Mummm can I go to Liam's house on Friday as well?" and mum said 'No. There's not point I get off work early on Fridays.' "Pleaaaaaaassssseeeeeeeeeeee?!?!"
'No! Why do you want to go so bad?'
"Liam has sky tv and I want to watch a programme."
'That's ridiculous you're not going just to watch tv'
"Okay then, can I go to Max's?"
'No! Can we stop talking about this?'
So the mum was curious about why he really wanted to go so bad (because her motherly intuition told her that tv programmes couldnt be THAT interesting). And she found that in fact the 3 boys had arranged to meet some girls down the road for a triple date. LOL so much effort to cover up a date. You would expect it from an asian kid. But the mother let him go in the end =P so cute.

Now see if that had been an asian family the mother would've killed the kid and moved him to a single sex school. Yet then later when he turns out gay the mother will cry and be angry even tho it was her who inflicted it on him. (generalisations, yes. but really, so many asian mothers are anti-gay it's ridiculous. yet they don't want their sons to have a social life either. so hypocritical..)

yeah. that was my retelling of a story for the day. anyway, during my procedure my mum txted me going 'are you home yet?' so I replied with 'No I'm at dentist right now.' Then I started to walk home. On my way back, my mum txted me going 'Ok dad will pick you up.' So I'm thinking, alright... better go back to the dentist then. And then when I do my mum txts me again going 'Start walking home he'll meet you on the way back.' @____@ geez. I walked in a complete circle. and it was sooo hotttt...

But that's okay. Being out of infatuation is good, you notice all the good things in other guys as well (: I saw a cute guy doing painting on one of the houses as I walked past and choked my spit. LOL. I'm a retard, sorry. He was white. Aren't you proud laina? =P but still later on I saw this other asian guy doing some work on rebecca's house (unless they moved) and he was ok-looking but he kept staring at me which was... iono o.o weird lol. I thot I had stuff on my face >< maybe I'll walk home that way again some time to see the cute painting guy ~~

bleh it's too hot to type any more, I'll post again either later or another day.


Anonymous said...

Lol who you callin useless? I'm the face of AZN failage 2008. Nothing, zip, zero, nope, nada. Failure child, that's me :)

Good to know you finally made it to the dentist lol - aw cute kid. LOL choked on your spit? That hot eh? (The guy, not the weather... but the weather too anyway lol)

Anonymous said...

l0tza buildaz n shtz r h0t
thurz a h0t guy at 0wa skul

Captain Barnaby said...

Lol aw!
Cute story!


Are you wagging?
Can I come?