13 December 2007

goodbye year 9

wow it's really over. my year as a turd is over for real. so next year i'll be a 4th former. holy damn. and i'm turning 15 next july..
time is moving way too fast...

and why everyone so sad that bernie's leaving? i don't think it's sinking in for me yet or something cuz for some reason i'm not that sad at all lol -i sound so evil rofl- hopefully i can still see her at badminton and stuff~

damn now that I think about it I haven't achieved anything this year. I've wasted so much time... 4 more years of school before we graduate altogether... it's like... nothing.
that's approximately 1460 days. and only about 3/4 of that time is at school...
1406 days....
35040 hours....
2102400 minutes....
(excuse calculator-less math)
hell. that's nothing.

it's all going wayyyy toooo fastttt..... sometimes I just wish time would stop and I could appreciate the world for just a second without time moving by all the while. I can still go through every event of my last day at primary school clearly as though it was imprinted in my mind fresh from just a few days ago. and yet, it's already been 3 long years...
no, 3 short years.
and in another 3 short years I'll be looking at my last year of school.
that's just too short for me.

why won't time stay still?
the days are so long yet the years are so short...
even in those moments when you feel as if everything is still, it's still moving on...
leaving us behind in its footprints.
and the problem is that you never know what you're meant to be doing until the time is all gone. and even then, you still don't know what you should've done with it, but you're just sad that it's all gone.

all the good times that seem so far away... why are we as humans never content with our place in time? we're always dreading the future and never thinking about the past in the same way as we thought of them while we were there.
Does time really exist?
or is it just another human invention which eats us all up?
either way time is moving on with a pace too fast for me personally to catch up with..

btw bernie, what should I do with connie's dictionary?


Captain Barnaby said...

Lol i think the fact that I'm leaving hasn't sunk in for me yet either

Lol yes. . . . that is why you have to do year 13 winnae . . . .
Oh and I was talking to this girl who is doing biomed. She was like . . . all the boys who did Cambridge, like Grammar and Kings basically got taught all the hard bits of biomed when they were doing cambridge, compared to the kids that did ncea.

Lol that shows how bad ncea is.

Lol yes . . . To think that when I start uni . . .imma gonna be a -counts on fingers- 10 year old~
Omg . . .

lol ditch chinese and come visit me at cuths. 1 oclock tomorrow. XD

Anonymous said...

Hah - yeah, to be honest the fact that Bernie's leaving hasn't really hit me yet. Probably because I know that I'll still be seeing her round in the holidays and stuff? And we've still got MSN so technically, we're still staying in touch - I just don't get to hear her scream that often xD

Captain Barnaby said...


oh yea .. . . merry christmas and Cya in JANUARY . . .

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