19 August 2010

chocolate ♥

Didn't bother removing the bruises. I don't think you can really notice them in the pictures anyway. Read up a bit online and people say it's pretty normal after upper jaw surgery to have the nose a bit fatter and turned up a bit more :/ so I guess I'm stuck with this nose. Well I guess it's not THAT bad... but I look really different hahaha...

Today I could open my mouth big enough to fit blocks of chocolate in it. :) It's nice to be able to enjoy treats again haha. But they're still really hard and it kinda hurts while it's melting...

PS. is it just me or are some of my images broken? o.o like the picture of me on the left, and some of the icons...

1 comment:

Billy said...

it's all good bro.

looking hotter by the day =].

yup u look pretty different, but nice different i guess?

no matter how much u change on the outside u are still the nerdy/funky/cool/artistic/SMART-ASS-MOFO Wibz on the inside. =]

dont forget the buffet after u fully heal up, then u will be able to fully enjoy the pleasure of good FOOD.